Hey guys!
OK. So, let me start off by saying, this is not my favorite thing to do. I really don’t like asking for money (I don’t even have a Patreon account). Yes, I do have donation buttons on most of my websites, but the time has come where I may need to start more actively soliciting support, much like I am doing here. Why? Well, as many of you may already be aware, there have been numerous, recent announcements about a coming purge of “conspiracy” related material and associated channels on YouTube (CLICK HERE to read one such article published 6/5/19). I certainly fall into at least a few of the categories their algorithms will be searching out and eliminating. So, it would appear the writing is on the wall. My time on YouTube may not last a whole lot longer.
I am of course seeking alternative sites to post my materials on and if/when I find the right ones, I’ll let you know via my E-mail List and Facebook (at least as long as I am allowed a profile there too). I’m also considering just building and hosting my own totally self-contained video and social media site. The problem with the latter of course is time and money. What else is new, right?
But here’s the thing: I have spent the better part of the past decade doing research, and uploading thousands of pages worth of blog content on several different websites (e.g. – – – and of course Facebook), I’ve done hundreds of radio shows and video podcasts to share what I’ve learned as well. And since 2009, I have uploaded over 500 videos to my YouTube channel (most of which are between 1 and 3 hours in length). All of this has been provided to the end user 100% free of charge, and I’ve been more than happy to do so. In fact, all of my material is on-line in one form or another for free. People buy my books and DVDs because they want to, not because it is their only option.
According to my YouTube analytics, as of January 2020, I’ve had over 26 million views of my channel. Unfortunately, those views do NOT translate into dollars – especially since many of my videos are not able to be monetized for various censorship and copyright related reasons. So, sorry but contrary to popular Internet gossip, no one is getting rich over here in the Skiba household. If I were, I’d finance SEED myself. But I’m not and I can’t. The simple fact of the matter is, I don’t do what I have been doing for the money. I do the work I do because I’m on a passionate quest for truth, desperately trying to get the word out concerning the things I believe we need to understand in order to survive the days ahead. Thus, I’ve spent countless hours sitting at my computer, reading, writing, interviewing people, editing videos, uploading content, commenting on social media, doing conferences, interacting with my audience, etc.. And I’ve been content to continue doing so, as long as I had enough money to feed my family, keep a roof over our heads and the lights on, pay for the Internet, and all the usual bills most of us have to deal with each month. Up to this point, we’ve been able to do just that. But the recent changes YouTube has been making has really hurt my channel and substantially cut our monthly income down to the point where this is simply not going to be sustainable for us if things stay the way they are (or get worse).
Therefore, the time has come to ask for your help.
If you have been blessed by all of that free content I’ve been providing for the past decade, would you be willing to contribute at least $30 (or in other words, just $1 a day) as a show of your appreciation? If you don’t appreciate the work I’ve done, that’s fine. I get it. It’s not for everyone. But if this work has blessed you and/or your family, we could really use the help. There are several ways you can do it…
If you would like to make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE contribution, you can do so through a ministry we are affiliated with called Mountain Movers International. Simply click on the green button below and you will be directed to their PayPal account, with our ministry ID already in place for this contribution (they keep 8% of all contributions – which covers their PayPal and admin fees – and send us the rest at the end of the month):
If you are into cryptocurrency, simply select from the five cryptos in the list below and use the appropriate code:
Bitcoin cash

Donate Bitcoin to this address
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Bitcoin

Donate Ethereum to this address
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Ethereum

Donate Bitcoin cash to this address
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Bitcoin cash

Donate Litecoin to this address
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Litecoin

Donate Stellar to this address
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Stellar
If you prefer to make a non-tax deductible contribution, you can send a check or money order to King’s Gate Media, LLC, PO Box 118461, Carrollton, TX 75011 or simply select a standard giving option from the list below.
Whichever option you choose, we sincerely thank you for your consideration and greatly appreciate your support.