The SEED Projects
This series is perfectly suited for many different multimedia entertainment platforms.

SEED is a brand new science fiction series (currently in development) that is unlike anything you have ever seen before. It has the mystery and intrigue of Lost combined with the social, political and military appeal of shows like The Unit, mixed with the paranormal and alien themes explored in The X-Files.
CLICK HERE to learn more.

The content of SEED is perfectly suited for the video game industry. Plans have been drawn up to produce games for platforms such as X-Box and similar devices. However, the budget for such games is pretty close to that of film production. Therefore, we have shifted our immediate focus to gaming apps for devices such as the iPad, iPhone and other comparable portable, handheld units.
CLICK HERE to learn more.

We are in the process of taking the existing SEED screenplays and expanding them into fiction novels. In order to achieve this, Rob Skiba has contracted with another writer named Christopher Whitestone to co-write the first novel based on the Pilot Episode script.
CLICK HERE to learn more.

We believe this project is perfectly suited for a comic book/graphic novel series. And we are hopeful this particular, visual medium will open up doors for us to expose SEED to a larger audience, while simultaneously using it as a vehicle to raise awareness as well as profits from sales, which can go toward the financing of the TV Series.
CLICK HERE to learn more.
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Click on the icons below to see answers to a few frequently asked questions.
- Why the backwards E?
- What's up with the #33?
- Why a TV Series?
- How can I get involved?
The iconography of SEED is very deliberate. For starters, in predicate logic, the backwards E - "∃" - represents an existential quantification; a type of quantifier; a logical constant, which means "there exists". This is the first of many clues or "seeds" we have planted in SEED. But another deeper reason involves the specific font Rob Skiba used, thus stylizing the way the E's look in a very specific fashion for a very specific reason. CLICK HERE to learn more.
So the number 3 caught your eye did it? Contrary to popular gossip you may have seen or heard on-line, no, we are not Freemasons, nor are we in the Illuminati. In fact, we have a long and well established public record of speaking out against secret societies and the occult. There are plenty of other valid reasons for incorporating multiples of the number 3 into this series. One of which originated with this Scripture - Jeremiah 33:3 Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know... about things to come. Naturally, with a Tag Line like: "The keys to the FUTURE LIE buried in the past..." we thought this verse was more than appropriate. But that's just one of the many reasons for our repeated use of the number 3. CLICK HERE to learn more.
Simply put, there is no better way to impact culture on a massive scale than through mainstream media. Think about it. People all over the world are familiar with the phrase "May the Force be with you" and they know who Batman is. For better or worse, the entire world has been shaped through media, the arts and entertainment. The average American watches about 4 - 5 hours of TV per day. As a nation, we spend billions of dollars going to the movies. And whatever originates here, is quickly exported and consumed all over the world. What if we could tap into this and make a similar impact? CLICK HERE to learn more about the SEED TV series.
Although it has been in development since 2009, for the most part SEEDÂ has been a one-man-show. While others have helped in various ways from time-to-time, Rob Skiba has been the primary, driving force behind the project. But now, we are about ready to take it all to the next level, which means there will be lots of opportunities and many ways to get involved in the days ahead. CLICK HERE to learn more.
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Featured SEED talent
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