Preparing to host a SEED music competition

As I start working on the Audio Drama again, I think I’m going to host another competition for SEED. This time for music. If you want to get a head-start in terms of preparing for it, this is the kind of music I’m looking for:     Favorite tracks in the above Playlist are:   01 Five Years:   04 …


The SEED Composer

Back in June of 2013, I announced the fact that we had an award-winning film composer working with us. I was not able to reveal his name though until now. A few weeks ago, I sent out an official Letter of Intent to his manager. She recently wrote back and sent a signed copy of the LOI, indicating that it …

New Music For SEED!

It always amazes me the contacts that come into my life. I don’t yet have permission to reveal this person’s name, but an award-winning film composer, founding member and drummer from a heavy metal rock band I used to listen to all the time back in the ’90’s recently contacted me and expressed his interest in SEED. I was floored! …