New Music For SEED!
It always amazes me the contacts that come into my life. I don’t yet have permission to reveal this person’s name, but an award-winning film composer, founding member and drummer from a heavy metal rock band I used to listen to all the time back in the ’90’s recently contacted me and expressed his interest in SEED. I was floored! What was really freaky about the whole thing is, whenever I need motivation, I often listen to the first track on one of their CDs. It’s sort of my “Eye of the Tiger” motivator. Well, I had that CD in my car and had been listening to that particular song, when I was first contacted by this person via e-mail. I was like, “Seriously?? How cool is that???”
I had several very exciting e-mail correspondences with him and he agreed to do a piece of music for the new Trailer. The music I had originally used was not original. We really needed something that would be the music of SEED. After a few different versions were submitted to me, we had something I really liked. We also had our penning title theme:
A while back, several other people did some music work for me as well. They all did a great job, but my favorite was the piece done by my friend Joslin Dsouza:
I took some of the best elements of Joslin’s music and incorporated them into the piece submitted to me by the “rock star/film composer” along with a few added sound fx and music hits of my own and this was the result (be sure to listen with a good sound system or put on some descent headphones for best results):
Stay tuned for music samples and ultimately the redone, live action Trailer…